Apparently I own the "Sheerah" of 4-wheel drive cars ... the Suburu Outback. "It will go anywhere, Crystal, you'll see!" "Your car sticks to the road like no other". etc... etc...
Yesterday morning we went for a little drive down to Hudson Point for another "driving lesson". The point is a small strip of land that jets out into the Puget Sound on the north side of town. During our winter storm we had sustained 40-50mph winds that created large snow drifts,
especially next to the water. You see where this is going, don't you? I fortunately had my camera with me. Keep in mind, I wasn't driving.

As we're approaching the end of the strip I notice a rather large mound of snow (a drift) right in the middle of the roadway and say outloud "Wow, that looks really deep Steve." He replies very confidently, "Oh honey, your car can go through ..." but he doesn't get to finish his sentence, for indeed, we are stuck. Right in the middle of the road. (was my little Sheerah mocking him?)

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